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廃屋 - 渡辺政雄

廃屋 - 渡辺政雄



Abandoned House - oil painting by Masao Watanabe




In the mountains of Nagano Prefecture, there is a village left alone. There are a few houses still inhabited. The rest are vacant or abandoned buildings. The abandoned house has cracks in its walls and is covered with ivy, making it look like a haunted house, but it also has a nostalgic atmosphere. A heavy oil painting machere tells the history of this abandoned house.





●作家名:渡辺政雄  プロフィールを見る









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oil painting, 油絵, 油彩画, 廃墟, 廃屋, 建物, 古い建物, ノスタルジー, ノスタルジア, ノスタルジック, 追憶, 古民家, レトロ

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