春霞 - 稲生晴美
Spring Haze - Japanese pigments painting by Harumi Ino
春霞の中、菜の花が揺れています。淡い光が一匹の蝶を誘ったのでしょう。穏やかな春の訪れに心が揺れる様子を描きました。 技法は岩絵の具と顔彩を使い、光には光彩箔を下地に貼っています。
Canola flowers are swaying in the spring haze. A faint light must have attracted a butterfly.
I drew my heart shaking with the arrival of a calm spring.
The technique I used that mineral pigments and gansai, and the light is applied to the base with glowing foil.
諸外国への送料は額無しで¥15,000 別途お支払い頂きます。
Free shipping for nation Japan. All other country will be charge¥15,000 separatelly without frame. All import fees, taxes and customs to be paid for by the buyer.
日本画,岩絵の具,顔彩,春の絵,菜の花,モンシロチョウ,春の光,春の霞,光に誘われて, Japanese painting, mineral pigments, gansai, spring painting, rape blossoms, cabbage butterfly, spring light, spring haze, lured by light