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村の家 -    杉本真喜子

村の家 - 杉本真喜子




The Village Houses - watercolor by Makiko Sugimoto

It expresses the charm of the colors and patterns created by bricks and paving stones. I am aiming for a work that you can enjoy for a long time without getting bored.




●作家名:杉本真喜子 作家の紹介を見る






日本全国送料無料、国外送料は一律¥30,000 別途決済頂きます。


Free shipping for nation Japan, additional¥30,000 for out of country.

All import fees, taxes and customs to be paid for by the buyer.


#水彩画 #風景画 #家の絵, watercolor, landscape , house painting

  • 取り扱い上の注意


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