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知覧の夏 - 清田晴美

知覧の夏 - 清田晴美

SKU: HFP-OPC051624037


Summer at Chiran Kamikaze Flight -  oil painting by Harumi Kiyota




I visited Chiran for the first time this summer. Young people who did not know that the end of the war would come soon, took kamikaze flight for the sake of their country and their families. Perhaps to overcome their fear of death, they wrote a letter to their family. Such a thing should never be allowed to happen again, but how foolish and sad are people to start a war with the intention of self-destruction? They just want to live a life of peace and laughter. Under the summer sun, which was so hot that it seemed like it could melt a fighter jet, and all I could do was hold my hands together. I drew this painting to at least make amends.




●作家名:清田晴美 作家の詳細を見る


●画寸:A4 (21x30cm、8”x10”)





Free shipping for nation Japan. All other country also free shipping without frame. All import fees, taxes and customs to be paid for by the buyer.


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