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菖蒲園に咲くあじさい-  清田晴美

菖蒲園に咲くあじさい-  清田晴美






Hydrangeas in the irises field - Alla prima oil painting by Harumi Kiyota

At Meigetsu-in Temple in Kita-Kamakura, which is famous as a hydrangea temple.

You can also enter the iris garden in the backyard only in June.

The contrast between the irises and the hydrangea was so beautiful that I wanted to see it forever.




●作家名:清田晴美 作家の詳細を見る





日本国内送料無料。諸外国への送料は額無しで¥3,000 別途お支払い頂きます。


Free shipping for nation Japan. All other country will be charge¥3,000 separatelly without frame. All import fees, taxes and customs to be paid for by the buyer.


あじさい, 紫陽花, 菖蒲,  梅雨, 明月院,  鎌倉, 北鎌倉, 油彩画, 清田晴美,  印象派 , hydrangea, Iris , Meigetsuin, Kamakura, KitaKamakura,  Oil painting, Japan, Japan art , HarumiKiyota, onlinegallery, impression


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