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Brick Entrance - 浅利陽子

Brick Entrance - 浅利陽子


 Brick Entrance - watercolor by Yoko Asari


古い煉瓦の建物。入り口のガラスいっぱいに映った青空。青い空の下、心なごむひとときを捉えてみました。 Federation of Canadian Artist(FCA) "2019 Works on Paper"展 入選作品。


Old brick building. The blue sky reflected in the glass of the entrance. I tried to capture a relaxing moment under the blue sky.

It is selected work for the Federation of Canadian Artists (FCA) "2019 Works on Paper" exhibition.



●作品名:Brick Entrance 



●画寸:38.5 x 25.25cm 

●額外寸:54.5 x 45cm




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watercolor, cityscape, brick, sky, blue, red, old, heritage, antique, chair, entrance, glass, door, building, reflection,

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