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グランドキャニオンの朝日 -  清田晴美

グランドキャニオンの朝日 -  清田晴美



Grand Canyon Sunrise - oil painting by Harumi Kiyota


2024年度、フランス芸術家協会主催のLe Salon入選作品です。


数年前、年末から年始にかけて5日間、アメリカ西部の国立公園(ザイオン、ブライスキャニオン、アーチーズ、モニュメントバレーなど)いわゆるグランドサークルを巡る旅に出かけた。その旅の最後の晩はグランドキャニオンに宿泊し、翌朝1日に初日の出を拝むという企画だ。この時期のグランドキャニオンは真冬で天気の移り変わりも激しく、朝日が見れるのもまれにしかないと聞いていた。気温はマイナス15度と凍える寒さだったが、丁度前日からの雪空も晴れている。いまかいまかと最初の光が差し込む瞬間、渓谷に向けてHappy New Year!と観光客がひと塊になって叫んでいた。




This is a work that was selected for Le Salon, sponsored by the French Artists Association, in 2024.

A few years ago, I went on a five-day trip from the end of the year to the beginning of the new year to visit the national parks in the western United States (Zion, Bryce Canyon, Arches, Monument Valley, etc.), known as the Grand Circle. The plan was to stay at the Grand Canyon on the last night of the trip and watch the first sunrise of Jan.1st new year. I had heard that the Grand Canyon is in the middle of winter at this time of year, and the weather changes drastically, and it is rare to see the sunrise. The temperature was minus 15 °C  and it was freezing cold, but the snowy sky from the day before had cleared up. As soon as the first light was shining in, a group of tourists shouted Happy New Year! towards the valley.

Therefore, while a normal photo of the Grand Canyon has a shadow on the east side, which is the right side, in this painting the shadow was on the west side. It was a very lucky and moving New Year, and it will be a memory that I will cherish for the rest of my life.




●作家名:清田晴美 作家の詳細を見る


●画寸:50号 116x91㎝ (35"x45")





Free shipping for nation Japan. All other country will be free but without frame. All import fees, taxes and customs to be paid for by the buyer.


グランドキャニオン, グランドサークル, 初日の出, 印象派, 清田晴美,

Grand Canyon, Grand Circle, First Sunrise, Impressionism, Harumi Kiyota,

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