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Nostalgia - 齋藤赤絵

Nostalgia - 齋藤赤絵


Nostalgia - mixed media by Akae Saito


日本をテーマに絵を描こうとしたとき、ふと思い浮かんだのは、小さい頃家にあった手鞠です。模様が美しくとても好きでした。 子どもの頃を思い返すと、日本らしいものがたくさんあることに気づきました。 畳の部屋で遊んだビー玉、綺麗な千代紙にお手玉、かわいい金平糖。


When I tried to draw a picture with the theme of Japan, I suddenly came up with the "Temari" that I had at home when I was little. I loved the beautiful patterns. When I think back on my childhood, there are many things that are unique to Japan. I noticed. "Bee balls" played in a Tatami room, beautiful "Chiyogami" "Temari balls", and cute "Konpei candies".


I thought that what I was familiar with when I was a kid was the Japaneseness that permeated me.Based on such an original landscape, I made a picture of a piece of nostalgic memory that disappears when it floats. 




●作家名:齋藤赤絵  作家の紹介を見る


●絵サイズ : 53.0x 45.5 cm

●額外寸 :  



日本国内送料無料。諸外国への送料は¥20,000 別途お支払い頂きます。


Free shipping for nation Japan. All other country will be charge¥20,000 separately. All import fees, taxes and customs to be paid for by the buyer






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