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出船 - 大塚研一朗

出船 - 大塚研一朗


Setting for Sail - Acrylic painting by Kenichiro Otsuka


横須賀から東京湾を挟み、遠く房総半島を望む風景。 釣り船が漁果を期待し出航します。

A view of the Boso Peninsula in the distance across Tokyo Bay from Yokosuka.
Fishing boats set sail in hopes of a big catch.







●絵サイズ : SM(22.7x15.8㎝)

●額込サイズ : 



諸外国への送料は額無しで¥3,000 別途お支払い頂きます。



Free shipping for nation Japan. All other country will be charge¥3,000 separately without frame. All import fees, taxes and customs to be paid for by the buyer.



Italy, Tuscany, cypresses, hills, wheat fields
Shonan, Shonan Coast, Akiya, Uraga, Sarushima, Yokosuka, Hayama, Zushi, Inamuragasaki, Shichirigahama, Enoshima, Mt. Fuji
sea painting, shining sea painting, fishing boat painting, Enoshima painting, Mt. Fuji painting
Shinshu, mountains of Shinshu, paintings of mountains of Shinshu, Mount Asama, paintings of Mount Asama,

  • 取り扱い上の注意



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