Sachi Yoshimoto
2017 7月Fukuiサムホール美術展 入選
2018 3月米国アペロギャラリーファインアートコレクションの表紙を飾るカバーアーティスト入選。
2018 11月米国アペロギャラリー3位
2019 6月米国アペロギャラリー特別賞
2021 5月米国アペロギャラリー2位
2017-2021 米国アペロギャラリー多数入選(下記参照)
2021 10月 米国Daily Paint Works サイトのスポットライトアーティストとしてインタビュー掲載
2021 11月Artisans北鎌倉 秋の展示会2021入選
2018 5月池袋青空アート展
2018 8月東京ビックサイトアート展
2021 11月北鎌倉秋の展示会
2016~ Daily Paint Works オンラインギャラリーにて販売中
2017- 肖像画、ペット画受注販売中
2020 3月-現在 Vital Art Sessionsメンバーとして Kelli Folsomに師事
2021 7月 Kelli Folsom DYPコース受講
2021 8月サマーフローラルマスターコース受講
2021 10月風景画マスターコース受講
Sachi Yoshimoto is a Tokyo based self-taught artist who works mainly in oil medium. She loves the warmth that the medium gives to her work.
Artistically inclined from a young age, Sachi has worked diligently to bring her art to life. In 2013, after years of amateur work, Sachi decided to pursue her art wholeheartedly.
Sachi’s style of work is “true-to-life”, focusing on the breath she finds in organic and inorganic objects. Her vision is to bring life into the objects she’s attracted to in everyday life.
Apart from regular art commissions, Sachi often donates certain pieces and commission profits to animal charities she loves.
Like her art, Sachi continues to evolve and improve. Her ultimate aim is to have her artistic journey make everyone’s life a little brighter.
Selected and Curated Artworks
Links to my selected & curated artworks in the Fine Art Catalogue from June 2017 to present by APERO gallery, Curator, E.E. Jacks.
The Catalogue is posted at: www.ShowApero.com and announced via the social media platforms.
The Catalogue is free and available for the public to view, download, and print with no user name or passwords required.
July 2021 Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Sweet Breeze
June 2021 ‘Light’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: In The Sunlight
May 2021 Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Fragrant Charms
*Selected for 2nd Place artist
Curator Review
Fragrant Charms
A unified relationship between color, design and form,
can always be found in artist Sachi Yoshimoto’s work. Her dedicated exploration of light, body and texture, renounces the norm as she boldly dives into the medium itself. With strong painterly strokes and gestures, Sachi stresses the importance of ‘controlled spontaneity’ and at the same time exudes a sensitive and thoughtful approach to the ‘Still Life’. -E.E. Jacks
April 2021 AperoFine Art Catalogue
Title: Angels In The Woods
February 2021 Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Green Vase and Tangerines
November 2020 AperoFine Art Catalogue
Title: Brass and Pears
August 2020 ‘Land’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Motherland
June 2020 ‘Haze’ AperoFine Art Catalogue
Title: Smoke on the mountain
April 2020 ‘Vessel’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Naze Port
March 2020 ‘Industrial’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Sugar Factory
January 2020 ‘Experience’ AperoFine Art Catalogue
Title: The window of the heart
December 2019 ‘Dream’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Flow Into Eternity
November 2019 ‘Nourishing’ AperoFine Art Catalogue
Title: Uncle’s tangerine grove
September 2019 ‘Nature’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Where wisdom resides
August 2019 ‘Depth’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Night with a full moon
July 2019 ‘Warmth’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Luck
June 2019 ‘Tone’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Drifting Off
+ selected as Honorable Mention Artist
Curator Review: Drifting Off
Artist Sachi Yoshimoto benevolently offers up a secret glimpse into her method of creation in ‘Drifting Off’. Her loose yet purposefully executed brush strokes wondrously explore cause and effect. This transformational painting is open-handed in its honesty and imparts a connective equanimity and tranquility to the mind. Yoshimoto’s emotional sentience absolutely permeates her work.
-E.E. Jacks
May 2019 ‘Harmony’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Pillow Fight In Peace
April 2019 ‘Movement’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Spring is in the air
March 2019 ‘Contrast’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Scent of Gardenia
February 2019 ‘Capture’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Sunshine
January 2019 ‘Rise’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: A New Phase
December 2018 ‘Balance’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Neutral
November 2018 ‘Shape’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Together
+ selected for 3rd Place Artist
Curator Review: Together
In a delicate and subtle arrangement, the forms of two almost luminescent dragon fruits emerge from the canvas. Yoshimoto’s luscious colors and soft edges, creates an almost dream-like still life. Her ability to capture and portray that sense of diffused light in an intimate work is unique to her expression and creates a captivating and unbroken connection between the viewer and the piece. - E.E. Jacks
October 2018 ‘Color’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Colors In The Darkness
September 2018 ‘Gather’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Serenity
August 2018 ‘Grow’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Breath The Moment
July 2018 ‘Expression’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Star
June 2018 ‘Pose’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Jewel
May 2018 ‘Awaken’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Behind The Mask
April 2018 ‘Heritage’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Kindness
March 2018 ‘Gravity’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Going Home
+ selected for Featured Cover Artist
Curator Review: Going Home
This familiar scene by artist Sachi Yoshimoto, tenderly captures a quiet moment shared between individuals. This painted experience offers up a fresh perspective on the various facets of connection and return. The distant horizon line has an atmosphere of stillness and clarity, and Sachi’s superbly executed values in soft pastel tones, absolutely warms the heart. - E.E. Jacks
February 2018 ‘Dwell’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Sitting On A New Earth
January 2018 ‘Unbound’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Coffee Time
December 2017 ‘Horizon’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Sitting Under The Tree
November 2017 ‘Reflection’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Peace of Mind
October 2017 ‘Mood’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Tora
September 2017 ‘Belong’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Heart of Mine
August 2017 ‘Observe’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Shiny Afternoon
Title: Honey in the Darkness
July 2017 ‘Introspection’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Gold in Peace
June 2017 ‘Surrounding’ Apero Fine Art Catalogue
Title: Beauty in the Ordinary
July 2017 Fukui Fine Art Show in Japan
Title: Afterglow